Бесплатно. Английский язык. B1 20 уроков, 40 часов
Урок 19. Go for it!

Describe experiences in the present

Урок завершен 19 мая в 16:00

Vocabulary: Sport; adjectives and prepositions

Listening: I’ll give it a try!

Grammar: Second conditional

Video: Nothing to worry about

Conversation skills: Changing the subject


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Second conditional

We use the second conditional to talk about imagined events or states and their consequences. They can be about the unreal present or the unlikely future.

Real present


Unreal present and consequence

I don't know the answer.

If I knew the answer, I'd tell you.

Likely future


Unlikely / imagined future and consequence

She won't find out that you lied.

She would be angry if she found out you had lied.

We usually use the past simple in the if-clause and would in the main clause. We can also use could or might instead of would:

You could afford to go on holiday it you were more careful with your money.
If you tried harder, you might win a medal.

The verb be has a special form in the second conditional. We can use were for all persons (if I were, if you were, if she were, etc.):

If I were taller, I'd be better at basketball.

We use the phrase If I were you to give advice:

If I were you, I wouldn't eat that fish. It doesn't smell fresh.

We don't always need to include the if-clause if the meaning is clear:

Look at that house! That would be a great place to live. (... if I moved there)
I'm sure Jack would help you. (... if you asked)


When talking about the future, you can usually choose between the first and second conditional. Use the first conditional if you think a future event is likely, use the second conditional if you think it is unlikely.

  • If we score one more point, we'll win. (I think there's a good chance of this.)
  • If we scored four more points, we'd win (but we probably won't.)


The contracted form of would (‘d), is the same as the contracted form of had. You can tell the difference by looking at the verb that comes next.

  • 'd + past participle: He'd won (= had won) the match.
  • ‘d + infinitive: He'd win (= would win) the match.



Winter sports: cross-country skiing, downhill skiing, ice-skating, snowboarding.
Ball sports: baseball, basketball, cricket, football, golf, netball, rugby, snooker, table tennis, tennis.
Water sports: body-boarding, diving, kite-surfing, sailing, surfing, water-skiing, windsurfing.
Adjectives: dangerous, difficult, exciting, extreme, fun.
Nouns: competitor, court, game, match, net, opponent, point, referee, track, training, workout.
Verbs: to attack, to beat, to compete for, to have a go, to lose, to miss, to score, to win.

Adjectives and prepositions

afraid of
essential for
interested in
perfect for
popular with
proud of

right for
scared of
similar to
tired of
worried about

Conversation skills

Talking about possible problems and reassuring someone

Talking about a problem

Reassuring someone

You don't think it's a bit boring?

I'm still worried that something will go wrong.

What if she says no?

You've got nothing to worry about.

I'm sure it'll be OK.

She's definitely not going to say no.

Changing the subject

Changing the subject

Returning to a previous subject

That reminds me, I need to book the restaurant for the office party.

Speaking of cafés, have I told you about the place we found last week?

By the way, did you see that new comedy programme last night?

So, anyway, as I was saying, you've really changed my life.


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